Account Migration to New Server
Thursday, 29th June, 2017
We are always looking for ways in which we can improve the service we provide to you, and in an effort to deliver even greater performance as part of your existing service , we will be moving your accounts, over to a new server which is Higher configuration with
128GB RAM ,Intel 2x Xeon E5-2680v4 .
The Migration process will get start at Thursday 29/06/2017 at 9.30 AM EDT Time zone , (06:30 P.M. PKT) and will last for 7 to 8 hours .
The migration process itself involves minimum downtime as possible and your websites, emails, databases, and other account components will be copied to new server as it is. We are confident that the new server will only serve to enhance the performance of your website.
Old Server IP :
New Server IP :
The default name servers for your hosting account will remain the same. Please note that no changes are required from customer end everything will be taken care by our expert migration team. In case if you get any issues after completing the migration you are free to contact us via ticket.